avrdude 5.4 for Windows

I had some problems with the avrdude 5.3.1. It complains about reading the fuses properly.

Verify error - unable to read lfuse properly. Programmer may not be

A workaround is to use the -u switch to override this check. As the new version with this bug fixed is not available for windows, I tried to compile it myself. I used MinGW and MSYS and it worked, at least for me. I can now even omit the -F switch, which I had to use before, as the device signature was not read properly. If you want to try it, here you go.

Download: avrdude 5.4 windows

Please note, that this comes without any warranty and is not completly tested or verified.


  1. this exe is not supporting usbasp need to recompile it.
    i tried it with cygwin getting lots of error.can u put a working exe for usbasp??????????/if u can thanks in advanced.

    Technology always Rules……..


  2. Van, my ./configure complains a lot, so at the moment I can not provide a version with libusb support. I will try later.


  3. may i know the c code in the atmega32 ? cause i dont know how to write a code


  4. Hi,

    I donloaded the zip file, extracted the contents and clicked on the exe. A dos window pops up and disappears immediately. I’m using WinXP SP2. The exe just has a regular dos icon. Any suggestions?


  5. Hi Bala,
    avrdude is a command line tool, it has no GUI. You have to start cmd to use it.


  6. You can use a Graphical User Interface, it´s easier if you are not so handy with the command line…look for AVRDUDE GUI on google.


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