Microcontroller cheat sheet

Often, when I am tinkering with a controller on a breadboard, I have to open up the according datasheet, only to look up the pinout. So I designed a simple page with all of of the pinouts that I use most. It has:

  • 8-pin AVRs, ATtiny25/ATtiny45/ATtiny85
  • 20-pin AVR, ATtiny2313
  • 28-pin AVRs, ATmega48/ATmega88/ATmega168/ATmega328
  • Arduino to ATmega mapping
  • ISP header, 6-pin and 10-pin
  • FTDI-cable

Maybe it’s helpful for others as well. You can download it as:

If you like it, you will also like the Tod’s cool Arduino chip sticker.

Update 2010/01/24

The new version includes the pinout of the Bus Pirate. Thanks Philipp for the update.


  1. There is an error on the 6 pin ISP diagram. MOSI is entered twice. Pin #1 should be labeled MISO.


  2. This is great! I’ve printed a copy to replace my scrap of paper with badly cut-n-pasted datasheet screengrabs and scribbles.



  3. Thanks for this “simple” page of paper that will save lot of time.
    I discover your blog yesterday and learn a lot of things, thanks for that too.


  4. Very useful. It will be good to stick it on top of the IC (with some modification to fit with the IC).


  5. Hey, great work.
    Could you add the BusPirate Header Pinout?
    I think it would be really useful.

    Oder einfach auf Deutsch:
    Tolle Arbeit! Ein sehr übersichtliches Blatt, weitaus besser als die 3-4 blätter die ich bisher benutzte. Ich persönlich vermisse noch die BusPirate Steckerbelegung. Ich denke die Jungs bei Hack-a-Day würde es freuen, mich ebenso.
    Ich fänds toll wenn du das noch auf deinem Blatt unterkriegen würdest, ansonsten wäre ich dir sehr dankbar wenn du mir es als editierbares Dokument schicken könntest. Ich würde es dir dann selbstverständlich bearbeitet zurückschicken.

    Lg, Philipp


  6. This is way better than my 8 by 8 foot wall covered in scratch papers with diagrams on it


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